Although the permutation systems
are indeed objects of immense beauty and utility, they are not tensors. I hope that at this
advanced point in our narrative, we no longer have to extol the benefits of the tensor framework
and may consider the tensor property to be of self-evident value. In this Chapter, we will
introduce the Levi-Civita symbols
and ,
named after Tullio Levi-Civita, which are the tensor versions, so to speak, of the permutation
systems. Thanks to their tensor property, the Levi-Civita symbols open new avenues for the creation
of invariant operations, such as the cross product, and various differential operators, such
as the curl. Although the cross product has already been described in Chapter 3 from a geometric perspective, its component
space representation is most effectively expressed with the help of the Levi-Civita symbols.
Meanwhile, the curl will be discussed in Chapter 18.
17.1The definition of the Levi-Civita symbols
In dimensions, the Levi-Civita symbols and
are defined by the equations
is the volume element first introduced in Chapter 9. In the natural Euclidean dimensions, the above definition reduces to
in three dimensions,
in two dimensions and
in one dimension. You may be surprised that the one-dimensional Levi-Civita symbols and
remain remarkably useful objects, even though they do not exhibit the sign-alternating property
associated with the permutation systems.
Our initial order of business is to investigate the tensor property of the Levi-Civita symbols
and .
To this end, we will first explore the transformation rules for the permutation systems
under a change of coordinates and subsequently extend those rules to the Levi-Civita symbols. We
will discover that the Levi-Civita symbols are indeed tensors, albeit with a significant
17.2The permutation systems under a change of coordinates
As we noted in the previous Chapter, the permutation systems
are not tensors. In other words, if, say, ,
is defined in the primed coordinates in the exact same terms as in
the unprimed coordinates, then there is no reason to expect that the two objects are related by the
requisite identity
and, indeed, this identity does not
However, the combination on the right is familiar to us from our study of determinants in Chapter
16. Recall that for a second-order system ,
we have
Thus, if
then, according to the preceding
Thus, the transformation rule for
the subscripted permutation system
Correspondingly, the rule for the
superscripted permutation symbol
features the determinant of rather than its inverse, i.e.
Observe from the two identities above that the transformation rules for the permutation systems
deviate from the definition of a tensor only by the presence of . Let us then use this near miss as a
rationale for introducing the concept of a relative tensor.
17.3Relative tensors
17.3.1Definition and elementary properties
A variant
with a representative collection of indices is called a relative tensor of weight if it transforms according to the
In particular, conventional tensors
are relative tensors of weight , and are often referred to as absolute tensors to
highlight their special place among relative tensors.
A relative tensor of order zero is called a relative
invariant and transforms according to the rule
We should recognize that the term
relative invariant is an oxymoron since the values and are
generally distinct. In other words, a relative invariant is not invariant.
It is left as an exercise to show that the collection of relative tensors of a given weight are
closed under addition and multiplication by numbers. In other words, the sum of two relative
tensors of weight as well as a product of a relative
tensor of weight and a number are also relative
tensors of weight . Thus, the collection of relative
tensors of a given weight is closed under linear combinations. Furthermore, the product of a
relative tensor of weight and a relative tensor of weight is a relative tensor of weight . Finally, a contraction of a relative
tensor of weight is also a relative tensor of weight
Returning to the permutation symbols, which transform according to the equations
we observe that is
a relative covariant tensor of weight while
is a relative contravariant tensor of weight . (Since
consist of the exact same values, it is interesting that one and the same object can be interpreted
as tensors of different kinds.) Meanwhile, according to the product property of relative tensors,
the combination ,
which we recognize as the delta symbol ,
is an absolute tensor. Of course, this was already demonstrated in Chapter 16 by other means.
Having establishing the (relative) tensor property of the permutation systems, we find ourselves
halfway towards doing the same for the Levi-Civita symbols. In order to complete this task, we must
investigate the tensor property of the volume element
and will therefore turn our attention now to determinants.
17.3.2The relative tensor property of determinants
Suppose that is
an absolute covariant tensor. Recall that its determinant is given by the formula
Then, by the multiplicative property
of relative tensors stated in the previous Section (and demonstrated in Exercise 17.2), is a relative invariant of weight . Meanwhile, the determinant of an absolute tensor ,
which is given by
is a relative invariant of weight
. Finally, recall that, since the delta system
is an absolute tensor, we concluded in Chapter 16
that the determinant of a mixed tensor ,
is also an absolute invariant.
17.3.3The relative tensor property of the volume element
As soon as we calculated the volume element
in Cartesian and polar coordinates in Chapter 9, it
became apparent that
is not an invariant. Indeed,
in Cartesian coordinates, and
in polar coordinates. We will now be
able to characterize this behavior in terms of the relative tensor property.
Based on the findings of the previous Section, the object , being the determinant of the
covariant metric tensor ,
is a relative invariant of weight . In other words, if is
the determinant of in
the primed coordinates, then and are
related by the equation
As tempting as it may be to take the square roots and conclude that
we must remember that the
determinant of the Jacobian may very well be negative. Thus, the
correct relationship is
Therefore, we are not able to
conclude that the volume element
is a relative invariant of weight . In order to actually reach that conclusion, we must
restrict our attention to coordinate changes for which -- in other words, orientation-preserving coordinate
transformations. Under this condition, the above identity does simplify to
To use the terminology introduced in
Section 14.15,
is a relative invariant of weight only with respect to orientation-preserving
coordinate transformations.
17.3.4Why in the Levi-Civita symbols?
Recall that, much like the volume element ,
the permutation symbol
is also a relative tensor of weight . Thus, dividing
yields an absolute tensor -- albeit, only with respect to orientation-preserving coordinate
transformations. Meanwhile, is
a relative tensor of weight . Thus, multiplying by
also yields an absolute tensor -- once again, only with respect to orientation-preserving
coordinate changes. Of course, this is precisely how the Levi-Civita symbols are
constructed, but you may ask -- why must we use
in order to balance the permutations systems and not another relative invariant of weight
that is not limited to orientation-preserving coordinate
Such an object proves difficult to come by. Indeed, suppose that is, in fact, such an object, i.e. a
relative invariant of weight not subject to any qualifications. Since we have no
further requirements of , suppose that in some Cartesian coordinate system . Then
the values of are uniquely determined in all
coordinate systems. Indeed, in any alternative coordinate system ,
given by the equation
where is the Jacobian of the coordinate
transformation between and
Since and
coincide in the Cartesian coordinates and
transform by the similar rules
we conclude that agrees with
to within sign in all coordinates systems.
Does the resulting object offer a better alternative to ?
It has one indisputable advantage over :
it is an unqualified relative invariant of weight . However, since the construction of requires us to a single out one
coordinate system -- i.e. the Cartesian coordinates of a particular orientation where -- it is a tensor of the synthetic variety, as described
in Section 14.13, and, as such, its uses are
significantly limited. Thus, on balance, the volume element
is the superior choice.
17.4The tensor property of the Levi-Civita symbols
Recall that the general -dimensional definition reads
By construction, the Levi-Civita symbols are absolute tensors with respect to
orientation-preserving coordinate transformations. They are often thought of as members of the
metrics family, alongside the covariant and the contravariant bases and
, the
metric tensors
and ,
and the volume element .
Note that the complete delta system
defined by the identity
can be similarly expressed in terms
of the Levi-Civita symbols, i.e.
The appeal of this identity,
compared to the original definition of in
terms of the permutation systems, is that all of its constituent elements are tensors. However,
while the Levi-Civita symbols are relative tensors only with respect to orientation-preserving
coordinate changes, the delta system is an unqualified absolute tensor.
17.5The combination in two dimensions revisited
For a second-order system in
two dimensions, recall the identity
derived in Section 16.10, where denotes the determinant of .
Importantly, if is
a tensor, then all elements in this identity, including , are tensors. The same cannot be said, however, for a
covariant tensor
which satisfies the identity
where denotes the determinant of ,
or for a contravariant tensor
which satisfies the identity
where denotes the determinant of .
Thus, the symbol denotes three different objects in the three preceding
identities. We will now show that, with the help of the Levi-Civita symbols, these identities can
be fully tensorized while the symbol can be assigned a unique meaning.
Let us focus our attention on the identity
for a covariant tensor
where, once again, denotes its determinant. Since the permutation system
expressed in terms of the Levi-Civita symbol by
the equation
we find that
Since ,
and are
tensors, the quantity
is also a tensor by the
quotient theorem described in Section 14.14. It is, in
fact, the determinant of another tensor closely related to .
Since is the determinant of the
contravariant metric tensor ,
then is the determinant of
by the multiplicative property of determinants. In other words, is the determinant of
In light of this insight, let us agree to denote by the symbol the determinant of ,
regardless of whether the context is concerned with ,
or .
With the help of this convention, the three identities at the center of this Section can be written
This convention makes logical sense from the Tensor Calculus point of view. If we were to associate
a determinant-like invariant with a covariant tensor or
contravariant tensor ,
it would need to be the determinant of
since, among the three determinants, it is the only one that is an invariant.
Note that an interesting special case of the above formulas is found when is
the metric tensor .
Then is
the Kronecker delta
and therefore . Thus we have
where we note that the middle equation is precisely the identity
discovered in the previous Chapter.
Finally, note that one of the most striking applications of the formulas discussed in this Section
will be found in a future book in the context of the Gauss equations for two-dimensional
17.6The metrinilic property of the covariant derivative with respect to the Levi-Civita symbols
In this Section, we will show that the metrinilic property of the covariant derivative extends to
the Levi-Civita symbols. In the context of a Euclidean space, which, as we know, is characterized
by the availability of Cartesian coordinates, the metrinilic property with respect to the
Levi-Civita symbols is rather easily established by considering the combinations
in any Cartesian coordinates, where
the Levi-Civita symbols
have constant values, while the covariant derivative coincides with the partial derivative.
Therefore, the combinations
vanish, i.e.
Meanwhile, since the Levi-Civita symbols are tensors, vanishing in one coordinate system implies
vanishing in all coordinate systems, as we set out to show. The fact the is
a tensor only with respect to orientation-preserving coordinate transformations has no effect on
this argument.
However, we would also like to provide another argument that does not rely on the Euclidean nature
of the space, so that we are later able to extend the result to Riemannian spaces. Therefore, we
will give an alternative demonstration based on a direct application of the definition of the
covariant derivative to the Levi-Civita symbol.
Denote by
the covariant derivative of the permutation system ,
Since the permutation systems have
constant values and therefore the partial derivative
vanishes, we have
Observe that is
skew-symmetric in the indices , , and . Therefore, we need only to consider
the elements
given by
In each contraction on the right,
there is only one nonzero term that corresponds to in the first contraction, in the second, and in the third, i.e.
Factoring out , we
In other words,
Thus, in general,
Since the Christoffel symbol is
symmetric in its subscripts and therefore
we arrive at the following identity
for the covariant derivative of the permutation systems:
Note that we encountered the combination at
the end of the last Chapter where we derived the identity
This identity is about to play a
pivotal role in our calculation as we analyzed the covariant derivative of the Levi-Civita symbols.
By the product rule, for the covariant derivative of the Levi-Civita symbol ,
we have
and, as we just discovered,
we find
as we set out to show.
In summary, the Levi-Civita symbols
are subject to the metrinilic property of the covariant derivative along with its fellow metrics
the coordinate bases and
the metric tensors
and .
17.7The Levi-Civita symbols under index juggling
Since we introduced the symbols
independently in a context that allows index juggling, each symbol
is potentially ambiguous. Indeed, does the symbol, say,
represent the contravariant Levi-Civita symbol ,
as we defined it, or the covariant Levi-Civita symbol
with each of the indices raised, i.e. the combination ?
Fortunately, the two interpretations are equivalent and we, indeed, have
In other words, the Levi-Civita
and ,
as defined independently of each other, are, in fact, related by index juggling. Had this not been
the case, this ambiguity would have continually required special attention when the Levi-Civita
symbols and index juggling were present in the same analysis.
To show that the above relationship holds, recall that
Thus, the combination is
given by
Recall once again that
where is the determinant of .
This identity implies that
since the determinant of the
contravariant metric tensor
is . Thus,
Finally, since
we arrive at the identity
as we set out to show.
Importantly, unlike the Levi-Civita symbols, the permutation symbols
do suffer from the ambiguity related to index juggling, as
does not equal
with raised indices. Indeed, as we just saw
and therefore,
We must acknowledge that this is a
flaw in our notational system. However, one can live with this flaw since the need for juggling the
indices of a permutation system almost never arises.
17.8The cross product revisited
17.8.1A brief review of the cross product
The tensor property of the Levi-Civita symbols opens the door to the coordinate space expression
for the cross product. However, let us begin by reviewing the geometric definition of the cross
product given in Chapter 3.
In three dimensions, consider a pair of linearly independent vectors and that form an angle . Then their cross product , denoted by , is determined by the following three
conditions. First, is orthogonal to both and -- in other words, lies along the unique straight line
orthogonal to the plane spanned by and . Second, the length of is the product of the length of , the length of , and the sine of the angle , i.e.
Finally, between the two opposite
vectors that satisfy the first two conditions, is selected in such a way that the
set , , is positively oriented.
The third condition implies that the cross product is anti-symmetric, i.e.
which tips us off to the connection
between the cross product and skew-symmetric systems. From the anti-symmetric property, it also
follows that the cross product of a vector with itself is zero, i.e.
Indeed, and must therefore be .
In Chapter 3, we demonstrated that the cross
product satisfies the associative law
and the distributive law
but lacks associativity, i.e.
Indeed, the vector on the left is
orthogonal to while the vector on the right is not necessarily so. However,
the product satisfies the identity
which we will demonstrate below by
working with the components of vectors. Meanwhile, note that it is not surprising that is a linear combination of and since, being orthogonal to , it must lie in the plane spanned by
and .
17.8.2The cross product in two dimensions
In two dimensions, there exists an operation analogous to the cross product that, unlike the
conventional three-dimensional cross product, applies to a single vector . Specifically, the "cross product" of a vector is the vector obtained from by a counterclockwise
(17.46) Thus, the two-dimensional "cross product" is merely a synonym
for a counterclockwise
rotation. Nevertheless, it is helpful to put this operation on an equal footing with the
conventional cross product. Indeed, the close parallel is clear: the resulting vector is orthogonal to , has the same length as , while the set , is positively oriented. Furthermore,
we will discover that the coordinate space representation of can be given by a similar expression involving
the two-dimensional Levi-Civita symbol .
17.8.3The coordinate space representation of the cross product
Let us now turn our attention to the coordinate space representation of the cross product. There
exists a fundamental connection between skew-symmetry (an algebraic concept) and orthogonality (a
geometric concept). For example, note that two Cartesian vectors and are orthogonal. In other words, in order to
find a vector orthogonal to , we must switch
the components and multiply one of them by . This operation is equivalent to multiplication by the
skew-symmetric matrix
which, as we know, is a
representation of the two-dimensional permutation system .
With the help of the Levi-Civita symbol, the idea of orthogonality-by-skew-symmetry generalizes to
any dimension. For an example in three dimensions, suppose that are
the components of a vector . Note that
since a double contraction of a
skew-symmetric system, ,
with a symmetric system, ,
is zero. In a manner of speaking, "dot product" of and
is zero. Thus, the combination -- no
matter how the free index is eventually engaged -- produces an
object "orthogonal" to .
Similarly, in dimensions, the object
is "orthogonal" to
no matter how the remaining indices are
Let us now return to three dimensions and exploit this idea by considering the vector with components
In other words,
Note that since ,
the expression on the right
can be elegantly captured by the
which provides a practical recipe
for evaluating .
By design, is orthogonal to both and . For a formal confirmation, note that
by the fact that a
double-contraction of a skew-symmetric system and a symmetric system vanishes, whereas
is a symmetric system in the first equation while
is a symmetric system in the second. Thus, in one fell swoop, the skew-symmetry of the Levi-Civita
symbol delivered a vector that satisfies the orthogonality requirement in the definition of the
cross product.
Importantly, we should not lose sight of the fact that the tensor property of the Levi-Civita
symbol was critical to our construction. Had the Levi-Civita symbol not been a tensor, our entire
effort would have stopped dead in its tracks since we would have failed to produce an invariant,
and therefore geometrically meaningful, expression. We should, however, reiterate the caveat that
the Levi-Civita symbol is a tensor only with respect to orientation-preserving coordinate
transformations. This issue will be addressed at the end of this Section.
Let us now turn our attention to the length of and confirm that, in fact,
To show this, recall that the length
of is given by the equation
In order to obtain ,
raise the subscript in the identity
and introduce new letters and for the dummy indices in anticipation of the upcoming
contraction, i.e.
or, equivalently,
Combining the expressions for and
we have
we find that
Substituting this relationship into
the equation
we are able to eliminate the
Levi-Civita symbols, i.e.
Upon multiplying out and absorbing
the Kronecker deltas, we arrive at the final expression for
in terms of the components of and :
Let us give the geometric
interpretation to each familiar combination in this identity. Namely,
Thus, in geometric terms, the preceding equation reads
which, thanks to the trigonometric
identity , reduces to
Taking the square root of both
sides, we arrive at the desired equation
Thus, the length condition in the
definition of the cross product is confirmed.
To test whether the orientation condition is satisfied, me must determine whether , , and form a positively oriented set.
Recall from Chapter 16, that the sign of the
combination ,
and therefore that of ,
tells us whether the orientation of is the same as that of the basis
. Since
we conclude that the orientation
is indeed the same as the
orientation as the basis . Thus,
the combination
equals only when the coordinate system is
positively oriented. In a negatively oriented coordinate system, we must reverse the sign, i.e.
Of course, we should have a priori
known that the equation
contains an inconsistency, since
is an invariant while
is an invariant only with respect to orientation-preserving coordinate systems due to the
corresponding feature of the Levi-Civita symbol .
Finally, note that the coordinate space representation for the two-dimensional cross product reads
in right-handed coordinate systems
in left-handed coordinate systems.
Proving these identities is left as an exercise.
17.9Cross product identities
In this Section, we will demonstrate the formula
which gives an expression for the
double cross product in terms of the dot product and linear
combinations. This demonstration, for which we will give full details, is an excellent exercise in
the tensor technique. The derivations of other cross product identities, which use many of the same
elements of the tensor technique, will be left for exercises.
Denote the cross product by , i.e.
Then the components of the cross
product , i.e. , are given by the question
we have
which is the final expression for
in terms of the components of the vectors
, , and . In order to return to geometric
quantities, note that and . Thus, we arrive at the equation
as we set out to do.
Other cross product identities, whose derivations are left as exercises, include
17.10The orientation factor
In this Section, we will put forth an approach to restore the full tensor property to the volume
and the Levi-Civita symbols
and .
Recall that the volume element
transforms according to the rule
where the presence of the absolute
value limits its tensor property to orientation-preserving coordinate transformations.
Correspondingly, the transformation rules for the Levi-Civita symbols
depend on the sign of , i.e.
As a result, the tensor property of
the Levi-Civita symbols
is also restricted to orientation-preserving coordinate transformations, i.e. those for which .
In a Euclidean space, the full tensor property of the volume element, and therefore of the
Levi-Civita symbols, can be restored by leveraging the availability of the absolute sense of
orientation. Namely, let the orientation factor be the "sign" of the coordinate orientation, i.e.
With the help of , redefine the volume element to be the quantity
and redefine the Levi-Civita symbols
to be
With respect to these alternative definitions, the volume element is an unqualified relative
invariant of weight , while the Levi-Civita symbols are absolute tensors.
Furthermore, the formula
becomes a universal expression for
However, despite the apparent utility of this approach, there is a compelling reason to continue
using the conventional definitions. Namely, the orientation factor is possible only in Euclidean
spaces where the concept of orientation is available in an absolute sense. Thus,we would not be
able to generalize this approach to Riemannian spaces and if we were to adopt the new definitions
in Euclidean spaces, we would create a discrepancy between the two types of spaces. Meanwhile, it
is a fundamental tenet of our subject to treat Euclidean spaces strictly as a special case of
Riemannian spaces.
Exercise 17.1A change of coordinates is called orthogonal if
where is the matrix corresponding to the Jacobian of the coordinate transformation. Show that any relative tensor is an absolute tensor with respect to orthogonal transformations. In particular, show that all relative tensors are absolute tensors if we limit ourselves to Cartesian coordinates.
Exercise 17.2Show that if is a relative tensor of weight and is a relative tensor of weight , then is a relative tensor of weight . In particular, if , then is an absolute tensor.
Exercise 17.3Since , show that the statement in the preceding exercise offers an alternative reason for the tensor property of .
Exercise 17.4Show that the relative tensor property is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive in the sense described in Section 14.12.
Exercise 17.5Show that the result of contracting a relative tensor of weight is also a relative tensor of weight .
Exercise 17.6In three dimensions, show that the determinant of a relative tensor of weight is a relative invariant of weight . Show that in dimensions, this expression generalizes to .
Exercise 17.7Confirm the identity
for the transformation between Cartesian and polar coordinates in two dimensions, as well as the transformation between Cartesian and spherical coordinates in three dimensions.
Exercise 17.8Show that
Exercise 17.9Show that the determinants of and are the same. Thus, the symbol introduced in Section 17.5 is well-defined regardless of which index of is raised or which index of is lowered.
Exercise 17.10In a one-dimensional space, show that is a unit vector that points in the direction of . Conclude that it is therefore an invariant, but only with respect to orientation-preserving coordinate transformations.
Exercise 17.11By appealing directly to the definition of the covariant derivative, show that it is metrinilic with respect to the Levi-Civita symbol, i.e.
Exercise 17.12Use the metrinilic property of the Levi-Civita symbols to show the same for the delta systems, i.e.
Exercise 17.13In a three-dimensional space, show that
in a right-handed coordinate system. Similarly, show that
subject to the same qualification.
Exercise 17.14Show that
Exercise 17.15Show that
Exercise 17.16Show that
Exercise 17.17Demonstrate that
by showing that each product equals
Exercise 17.18Use the identity
to show that
Exercise 17.19For the two-dimensional cross product , described in Section 17.8.2, show that
in a right-handed coordinate system and
in a left-handed coordinate system.