This Chapter is devoted to the all-important Christoffel symbol, an object that captures the
variability of the covariant basis from one point to another in curvilinear coordinates. As such,
it can be used to "subtract out" the adverse effects of that variability in various differential
operators including the covariant derivative.
12.1The spatial derivative of the covariant basis
The covariant basis vectors , given
can be said to represent the rates
of change of the position vector with respect to each of the coordinates . As a
reminder, the symbols and represent the functions and , i.e. the position vector and the covariant basis as
functions of the coordinates .
In addition to the ubiquitous covariant basis , we
have, on a number of occasions, encountered the second-order system
that represents the rates of change
of each of the covariant basis vectors with
respect to each of the coordinates .
It is natural to use two subscripts to enumerate the elements of this system and we will
therefore use the symbol to
denote it, i.e.
Note that the symbol is bold to indicate that the elements of
are vectors.
The system
can also be thought of as the collection of the second-order derivatives of the position vector
with respect to the coordinates:
In the future, we will consider
higher-order derivatives. The Christoffel symbol, however, is about the second order.
Since partial derivatives commute, i.e.
symmetric, i.e.
In affine coordinates, the vectors
vanish since the covariant basis is the same at all points. In all other coordinate systems, the
covariant basis varies from one point to another and we can therefore expect to
be nonzero. In the -dimensional space, the second-order system
consists of
vectors. However, because of the aforementioned symmetry, only vectors can be distinct: in three dimensions, in two dimensions, and in one dimension.
Looking ahead, the Christoffel symbol
will be defined as the contravariant coefficients of ,
Before we get there, however, let us
visualize the vectors in
polar coordinates. This will later enable us to establish the values of in
all the common coordinate systems.
12.2The system in polar coordinates
12.2.1The vector
Let us begin with the vector
Therefore, we conclude that
vanishes, i.e.
Recall that is the
unit vector pointing in the radial direction away from the origin. Therefore, the vector
remains constant as the coordinate , i.e.
, changes, as illustrated in the
following figure:
12.2.2The vector
We will now calculate both
(12.11) We
have studied this very vector-valued function on a number of occasions and know that its derivative
is the unit vector counterclockwise orthogonal to .
and confirm that the two vectors are
equal. Let us begin with . As
, i.e.
, increases, the outward unit vector
rotates counterclockwise.
Let us now turn our attention to .
Recall that is a
vector of length that is counterclockwise orthogonal
to . As
the coordinate , i.e.
, increases, the length of the
increases and, in fact, equals , while its direction remains
(12.12) Thus, is a
unit vector in the same direction, i.e. counterclockwise orthogonal to . As
expected, the two calculations yielded the same result!
Notice that in describing the vector as
the unit vector in the direction counterclockwise orthogonal to , we
used pure geometric terms. However, since we now have the covariant basis at our
disposal, we are also able to describe the same vector analytically by giving the expressions for
its contravariant components. Since points
in the same direction as and
has length (while the length of is
), we have
12.2.3The vector
Finally, we turn our attention to
This is once again an evolution we are quite familiar with and can readily conclude that is a
vector of length that is counterclockwise orthogonal
to .
As the coordinate , i.e.
, increases,
rotates counterclockwise while maintaining its length of .
In order to give the analytical expressions for the contravariant components of , as we
did for , note
that points
in the direction opposite to . Since
the length of is
(while the length of is
), we have
Let us summarize our findings by arranging the analytical expressions for the vectors in
a matrix:
12.3The Christoffel symbol
12.3.1An implicit definition
In the preceding Section, we established the analytical expressions for the vectors
in polar coordinates. More
specifically, we determined the contravariant components of ,
i.e. components with respect to the covariant basis . When
a single vector is decomposed with respect to the covariant basis, the
resulting contravariant components form
a first-order system. When each vector in a first-order system is
decomposed with respect to the covariant basis, the resulting components ,
form a second-order system. When
each vector in a second-order system is
decomposed with respect to the covariant basis, the contravariant components ,
form a third-order system.
The Christoffel symbol is
precisely that for the vectors ,
i.e. the third-order system that consists of contravariant components of .
In other words, the Christoffel symbol is
defined by the identity
Since is
symmetric, i.e.
the Christoffel symbol is
symmetric in its subscripts:
In the -dimensional space,
elements. However, because of the above symmetry, only entries can be distinct, i.e. in three dimensions, in two dimensions, and in one dimension. In special coordinate systems, the
Christoffel symbol
typically has only a few nonzero elements, so much so that it is usually more efficient to describe
listing its few nonzero elements. For example, the Christoffel symbol in polar coordinates can be
summarized as follows:
12.3.2The order of the indices in
We have mentioned previously that, in order to avoid potential ambiguities, it is often necessary
to agree on the order of indices. For the Christoffel symbol ,
two different conventions are found in the available texts. According to one, the superscript is
treated as the first index and, according to the other, as the last. We will follow
Hermann Weyl's Space Time Matter, and treat the superscript as the first index and the
subscripts as second and third. We could denote the Christoffel symbol by the symbol
with a dot placeholder to make this choice explicit. However, we will prefer to rely on the stated
convention rather than the placeholder.
In the absence of the convention and the dot placeholder, the result of lowering the superscript,
denoted, say, by , would
be ambiguous since we would not know which of the indices is the lowered superscript. Thanks to the
convention, on the other hand, we know that it is the index . Nevertheless, even when the ordering
of the indices is clarified by a convention, it is customary to separate the subscripts by a comma,
as in
Some sources refer to as
the Christoffel symbol of the first kind and as
the Christoffel symbol of the second kind. However, we see no need to make this distinction
since we treat systems related by index juggling as different manifestations of the same objects.
12.3.3An explicit expression for the Christoffel symbol
The equation
uniquely defines the Christoffel
symbol as
the contravariant components of .
However, the equation
does not provide an explicit
analytical expression for .
Of course, such an expression is readily available with the help of the dot product. In Chapter 10, we established that the contravariant components
of a vector are given by the dot product with the contravariant basis
with :
Applying this formula to the vector
we find
This identity will feature
prominently in many future analyses.
An application of the product rule to the dot product on the right of the above identity leads to
another insightful expression for the Christoffel symbol .
Using the product rule in the form , we find
Since the dot product equals
i.e. a system whose elements do not change from one point to another, the first term on the right
vanishes. Switching the order of the vectors in the second term, we conclude that is
also given by the dot product
This identity shows that the
covariant components of the vectors
are given by ,
Thus, the elements of the
Christoffel symbol
are simultaneously the contravariant components of
and minus the covariant
components of
12.3.4The tensor notation as a guide for forming expressions
The introduction of the Christoffel symbol provides us with another opportunity to discuss a number
of positive aspects of the tensor notation.
The Christoffel symbol is
a system of order three -- the highest order of any system we have considered so far. You may feel
like the indicial complexity may be beginning to get out of control and that Cartan's proverbial
orgies of indices are beginning to obscure the simple geometric picture. You may also
think that identities, such as are
difficult to remember. In this Section, we will demonstrate that the complexity remains completely
under control and that identities such as are
not only easy to remember but, in fact, practically write themselves!
Consider the derivative
where we have purposefully changed
the names of the indices in order to give ourselves a fresh start. We will now demonstrate how to
recreate the expression on the right featuring the Christoffel symbol simply by following the logic
of the tensor notation.
You will certainly remember that this expression involves the Christoffel symbol -- but in what
combination? When you inspect the expression , you
will notice that it has two subscripts: one from and
the other from being
in the "denominator". Thus, these two subscripts will be matched up with the two subscripts of the
Christoffel symbol. If the Christoffel symbol was not symmetric in its superscripts, you would need
to remember whether you need or
Fortunately, it is symmetric so we do not need to worry about the order of the subscripts.
Thus, we have so far
The Christoffel symbol is missing
its superscript. We have no choice but to place it there; let us name it and pair it up with a covariant basis , i.e.
12.4The derivative of the covariant metric tensor
The Christoffel symbol
captures the rate of change of the covariant basis with
respect to the coordinates .
Since the covariant metric tensor is
built up from the covariant basis , we
should be able to calculate its rate of change in terms of the Christoffel symbol.
Recall the definition of the metric tensor
Differentiating both sides, we find
Each of the partial derivatives on
the right side can be expressed in terms of the Christoffel symbol, i.e.
and ,
This result has a slightly better
form when the two terms are switched:
Finally, absorbing the metric tensor
into the Christoffel symbol, we find
12.5The Christoffel symbol in terms of the derivatives of the metric tensor
The identity
is not the least bit surprising.
Since the metric tensor
can be expressed in terms of the covariant basis , we
fully expected to find the expression for the derivatives of the former, i.e. ,
in terms of the derivatives of the latter, i.e. the Christoffel symbol. What may be at least
somewhat surprising is that this relationship can be reversed: the Christoffel symbol can be
expressed in terms of the derivatives of the metric tensor.{}
To remove the sense of surprise, let us think of the identity
as representing equations in
which the elements of the Christoffel symbol
are the unknowns, and let us do a simple count of equations and the unknowns. Since it has
three free indices , , and , the above equation represents
equations in an -dimensional space, which matches the number of the
elements in a Christoffel symbol. The available symmetries reduce the system to equations with unknowns: in three dimensions, in two dimensions, and in one dimension. Thus, expressing the Christoffel
symbol in terms of the derivatives of the metric tensor is simply a matter of solving a linear
system of equations.
An effective approach to finding the solution relies on a creative manipulation of indices. From
the identity
obtain equivalent forms by cycling
through the index names. For the first variation, rename , , . For the second variation, perform the very same renaming
on the first variation. We end up with the following three equivalent identities:
The orgy of indices is on full display now! The Christoffel symbols in the above equations all have
different combinations of indices. However, note that
Sort all commuting indices in
alphabetical order in every term of the system
and notice that we are now able to isolate by
adding the first and the third equations and subtracting the second equation, i.e.
Raising the subscript on both sides of the equation yields for the Christoffel
symbol in the form ,
This result will prove crucial when
we begin to develop Riemannian spaces and this identity will be adopted as the definition of
the Christoffel symbol. Note that we, too, could have adopted this identity as the definition of
the Christoffel symbol and, from it, derive all of the other identities involving the Christoffel
symbol. This approach to defining the Christoffel symbol is known as intrinsic.
12.6The Christoffel symbol in various coordinates
The elements of the Christoffel symbol in
all of the most common special coordinate systems can be derived by the approach outlined above in
Section 12.2. In this Section, we document those values
and leave their calculation as an exercise.
12.6.1In affine coordinates
Since the covariant basis does
not vary from one point to another in affine coordinates, the Christoffel symbol
vanishes at all points:
12.6.2In cylindrical coordinates
The nonzero elements of the Christoffel symbol are the same as those for polar coordinates derived
in Section 12.3:
12.6.3In spherical coordinates
In spherical coordinates, the nonzero elements of the Christoffel symbol are
Deriving these expressions is left as an exercise.
12.7The components of the acceleration of a material particle
Let us now illustrate how the Christoffel symbol enters analytical calculations. For this
demonstration we will return to the analysis of a material particle moving along a trajectory given
by the equation
where the Christoffel symbol will
appear in the expression for acceleration.
12.7.1A brief review
In Chapter 10, we learned that the contravariant
components of the velocity vector are given by
Let us remind ourselves of the
simple derivation that yielded this identity. If the position vector function describes the trajectory of the
moving particle, then is given by the composition of
the function , i.e. , with the equations of the motion :
differentiating both sides of the
preceding equation with respect to yields
Since , we
conclude that the components are given by
12.7.2The derivation of
Let us now turn our attention to the components of
the acceleration vector :
In affine coordinates, where the
covariant basis does
not vary from one point to another, deriving the expression for is an entirely straightforward
exercise. Differentiating the identity
with respect to yields
In other words
Since , the
components in
affine coordinates are obtained by simply differentiating the components of velocity with respect
to time
This corresponds perfectly to our
Cartesian intuition developed by our physics textbooks.
In curvilinear coordinates, however, we must account for the spatial variability of . In
order to acknowledge that variability we must write the equation for as
where the function represents the covariant basis
vectors along
the particle's trajectory. Differentiating both sides of this identity with respect to yields
Dropping the functional dependence
of the terms, we write
Due to the presence of the second
term, the identity is invalid in curvilinear coordinates.
In order to analyze the system , recall that the
covariant basis is
defined in the broader ambient space. Thus, can be constructed by composing
the function , i.e. , with the equations of the motion :
An application of the chain rule
The last term, is, of course, the velocity component ,
More interesting, however, is the
which we recognize to be precisely . Thus,
we arrive at the identity
Substituting this result into the
we arrive at the following
expression for acceleration:
Since our goal is to determine the acceleration component , we
must modify the expression on the right so it appears in the form of a contraction with the
covariant basis . Thus,
the covariant basis in the second term must have the subscript . In order to achieve this, cycle the names of the indices
to obtain
We can now factor out :
From this form, we conclude that the
component is
given by
This formula is an important milestone as it succeeds in expressing the component of
the acceleration in terms of objects that are available in the coordinate space. After all, recall
that the identity
tells us that the Christoffel symbol
is available in the coordinate space once the metric tensor field has been calculated. Therefore,
the equation
demonstrates that the analysis of a
moving material particle can be conducted -- at least up to the second derivative -- strictly in
the coordinate space without a need for continual reference to the covariant basis . The
may be thought of as the correction for the spatial variability of the covariant basis.
12.7.3Example: Uniform circular motion in polar coordinates
In Chapter 10, we calculated the components of the
velocity vector of a material particle moving around a circle of radius with angular velocity in polar coordinates . We will now repeat that calculation and then
take it a step further by calculating the components of the acceleration.
In polar coordinates and , the equations of the motion read
the components of
velocity correspond to
As we have just derived, the
components of
acceleration are given by
Since the velocity components are constants, the only
surviving term is :
Let us fully unpack this identity as
Since and the only nonvanishing elements of the Christoffel
symbol are
the only surviving term is in
we find:
which completes our calculation of the components . We
must emphasize that the entire analysis was performed strictly in the coordinate space.
Stepping back into the geometric space, the acceleration vector can be obtained by contracting with
the covariant basis . The
result is the vector
that has a length of and points directly
towards the center of the circle. This is a familiar result from elementary Physics textbooks.
12.7.4The jolt of a moving particle
Let us take our analysis a step further and determine the components of
the jolt , defined as the
derivative of acceleration, i.e.
It is left as an exercise to show
that the components are
given by the identity
12.7.5The -derivative
Thanks to the symmetry
of the Christoffel symbol, the identity
can be rewritten in the form
This form is particularly
interesting since it invites the introduction of a new differential operator which we will call the
-derivative, pronounced the delta-by-delta- derivative.
The -derivative applies to first-order time-dependent variants
with superscripts defined along the trajectory of the particle. For such a variant and the trajectory given by the
equations of the motion
where, as a reminder, are
the componets of velocity along the trajectory given by the equation
Note the novel structural aspect of
this operator, where applying the -derivative to any element of the system
involves all other elements of the system since the term
engages all of them in a contraction.
With the help of the -derivative, we can rewrite the equations
In the more compact forms
In general, for a vector with components , i.e.
the components of the derivative
are given by , i.e.
The -derivative can be extended to first-order variants with
covariant indices and, in fact, to variants of arbitrary order and arbitrary indicial signatures.
The resulting full-fledged -derivative has an array of remarkable properties that
make it an operator of great utility. However, we will not discuss the development of this operator
here for fear that that would steal the thunder of the covariant derivative which we will
introduce right after we establish the concept of a tensor in Chapter 14.
12.8Parallel transport of a vector
If a vector is constant along the trajectory
of a particle, i.e.
then its components satisfy
or, in expanded form,
This identity gives us a
coordinate-space criterion for determining whether two vectors and at different points in space are equal. In order to apply the
criterion, one needs to connect the two points by a smooth trajectory and then interpret the above
identity as a system of ordinary differential equations. If
corresponds to the point where is found and
corresponds to the point where is found, then we can solve this system of equations from
the components of as the initial condition. If the resulting components at
coincide with the components of , then and are equal.
Exercise 12.1Show that the sum
is symmetric in and .
Exercise 12.2Derive the expression for the derivative of the contravariant metric tensor
in terms of the Christoffel symbol.
Exercise 12.3Derive the values of the Christoffel symbol in each of the special coordinate systems described in Section 12.6.
Exercise 12.4Demonstrate that the components of jolt are given by the equation
Exercise 12.5Show that
Exercise 12.6Confirm that the Riemann-Christoffel identity
which will be demonstrated in Chapter 15, holds in polar coordinates.